2018년 4월 22일 일요일

How to use TV

How to use boiler(floor heating)

How to use doorlock

How to use door lock

1. Open the cover of doorlock
2. Press the passcode
3. Press the asterisk ( * )  or Close the cover

How to get #2 Mint House

How to get #2 Mint House

EN : No. 201, 132-1, Eoulmadang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul
KR : 서울 마포구 어울마당로 132-1, 204호

The Mint House is close to Hongik Univ. station exit 8.

1. Come out exit 8

2. Turn right

3. Go straight

4. Go to right

5. You can see Japanese restaurant "파쿠모리"


6. Go to the restaurant


7. Go straight

8. You can see the building door

9. Go to the 2nd floor